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Business law

Associate lawyer

« Companies need a business partner capable of understanding their challenges and proposing innovative legal solutions. »

Lex4u’s legal creativity can help you improve your growth and achieve your business objectives:

  • How should you structure your company to develop your activities?
  • What strategy should you adopt to launch a new project on the Belgian market or export abroad?
  • How can you finance your business – fundraising, M&A, crowdfunding – in the best possible conditions?
  • What are the most advantageous tax and financial levers for your company?
  • Which contracts should be implemented in your organisation to secure your business?
  • How do you negotiate and manage complex contracts with high financial implications?

At Lex4u, we deliver legal and business expertise in line with your constraints and priorities.

They trust us

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Our commitments?

  • Anticipating all the key stages in the life of your company.
  • Develop legal strategies based on your business, HR and partnership objectives, etc.
  • Negotiate the best deals for your company.
  • Resolve your disputes through mediation in tax, civil and commercial matters, arbitration or amicable conciliation.
  • Devising the best strategy for defending your case before the courts if none of these dispute resolution methods leads to a solution.
  • Provide you with transparent advice throughout the life of your company.

M&A client case study

Three ambitious entrepreneurs are embarking on a new adventure by creating an innovative start-up. To define the roles, responsibilities and rights of each partner in a fair and transparent way, they want to draw up a shareholders’ agreement that will govern their collaboration and their future relationship within the company..

Mission duration: 2 months

Challenges identified

  • Determine how voting rights and profits will be distributed among the shareholders according to their contributions and roles.
  • Establish mechanisms to deal with the departure of a shareholder or the transfer of shares to a third party.
  • Establish clear rules for governance and decision-making within the company.

Strategy and actions taken on the ground

  • Distribution of voting rights and profits: organising discussions with shareholders to understand their financial, technical and operational contributions to the business.
  • Decision-making support: proposing different methods of distributing voting rights and profits, ensuring that the interests of each shareholder are taken into account.
  • Exits and transfers of shares: drafting of detailed clauses to manage exit scenarios, including share buyback procedures and valuation mechanisms.
  • Anticipation: drafting of provisions to govern the transfer of shares to third parties, specifying the conditions and approvals required.
  • Governance: setting up rules for decision-making within the company, including areas requiring consensus and those requiring a simple majority.

Results achieved

  • Draft a structured, balanced and mutually acceptable shareholders’ agreement.
  • Clarifying the roles of each party to avoid future misunderstandings.
  • Establish mechanisms for managing complex situations.

Cas client droit du numérique

Sophie Martin, founder of a video-sharing platform, faces a number of legal challenges relating to user data protection and copyright.

Mission duration: 9 months

Challenges identified

  • Find a process for using user data while complying with the RGPD.
  • Protect the copyright of shared content.

Strategy and actions taken on the ground

  • Audit: working with other lawyers in different jurisdictions to secure the merger from a tax, commercial and intellectual property perspective.
  • Compliance: implementation of an RGPD strategy including information, exercise of rights and consent.
  • Copywriting: drafting GTCs and TOUs to clarify copyright on shared content, thus avoiding potential legal action.

Results achieved

  • A relationship of trust with users.
  • Protecting players’ fundamental rights.
  • No known disputes to date.

Case study company acquisition

Multitech (not its real name), an established manufacturer of medical equipment, is considering the acquisition of MedDevice (not its real name), an innovative start-up specializing in connected healthcare technologies.

The objective? Strengthen Multitech’s market position and integrate MedDevice’s new technologies into its existing products.

Mission duration: 14 months

Challenges identified

  • Assess MedDevice’s financial health, assets and potential risks to avoid surprises after the acquisition.
  • Determine the best acquisition structure (merger, asset purchase, share purchase) based on Multitech’s objectives and the tax and legal implications.
  • Negotiating and drafting acquisition agreements, including warranties, indemnities and non-competition clauses.

Strategy and actions taken on the ground

  • Due diligence: management of a team of legal, financial and technical experts to conduct in-depth due diligence of MedDevice, covering legal, intellectual property and regulatory compliance aspects in order to construct the basis for subsequent negotiations. Acquisition structure: recommendation of an asset-based acquisition structure based on an analysis of Multitech’s objectives and tax implications.
  • Strategy: selection of MedDevice’s specific assets while limiting the risks associated.
  • Contractual agreements: working with the legal teams of both parties to negotiate the terms of the acquisition.
  • Legal security: anticipating post-acquisition problems with guarantees and indemnities negotiated and obtained with MedDevice.
  • Strengthen Multitech’s market position and integrate MedDevice’s new technologies into its existing products.

Results achieved

  • Smooth acquisition thanks to balanced tuning.
  • Growth and strengthening of market position through the integration of MedDevice’s cutting-edge technologies.
  • Minimize legal and financial risks through in-depth data analysis.

Complex contract customer case

GlobalEnergy (not its real name), a leader in the renewable energy sector, is seeking to establish a partnership with SolarTech (not its real name), a company specializing in the design and installation of solar systems.

The partnership aims to jointly develop and deploy large-scale solar energy projects.

Mission duration: 12 months

Challenges identified

  • Define the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the division of responsibilities, intellectual property rights and any exclusivities.
  • Identify and mitigate potential risks to project implementation, delays and quality issues.
  • Draft a detailed and comprehensive contract to avoid misunderstandings and future disputes.

Strategy and actions taken on the ground

  • Contract negotiations: representing GlobalEnergy in discussions with SolarTech.
  • In-house work: working with the legal and commercial teams of both companies to develop balanced and mutually beneficial terms.
  • 360° vision: in-depth understanding of legal and commercial issues to find win-win solutions.
  • Risk management: identifying potential risks associated with solar energy projects, such as fluctuations in the cost of materials and weather-related delays.
  • Anticipation: putting in place contractual mechanisms to mitigate risks, such as penalty clauses for excessive delays.
  • Contractual clarity: drafting a detailed contract in clear legal language that covers all aspects of the partnership, including intellectual property rights, deadlines, payments and respective obligations.

Results achieved :

  • Successful partnership between GlobalEnergy and SolarTech.
  • Development and deployment of solar energy projects in accordance with the terms agreed in the contract.
  • Risks managed effectively, avoiding major delays and disputes.

Our articles on the subject

14 November 2023
Recently, the legislature adopted the law of May 4, 2023 , amending certain aspects of consumer debt ...
19 September 2023
⏩ Understanding the usefulness of the Partnership Agreement in just 5 minutes !
The business world is constantly evolving, and modern entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to secure and ...
7 September 2020
How to develop a franchise  ? 
Explanation of the rules related to commercial partnership You’ve established a business offering products and/or services and ...

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