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Geoffroy Blondiau


Associate lawyer

Geoffroy is a member of the Brussels Bar and holds a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Louvain, specializing in Intellectual Property and Commercial Law. Il a ensuite poursuivi sa formation avec un Master de spécialisation en droit des technologies (DTIC) à l’UNamur.

Always interested in technology, he began his professional journey as a consultant in Information Security and data protection, advising on compliance with GDPR and ISO27001.

After three years of consultancy, Geoffroy decided to join the Bar in 2021. Since then, he has been practicing in his favorite field, data protection, and technology law, in both English and French.

Entrepreneurial and highly creative, he will always have a new mobile app idea to develop or some absurd activity for you to try. A fan of extreme sports and challenges, you might see him gliding over the ice rink or motivating his team to win the world pedalo cup once again.

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