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Photo d'un homme tenant une carte bancaire dans les mains, prêt à acheter un produit sur un site e-commerce

Recently, the legislature adopted the law of May 4, 2023 , amending certain aspects of consumer debt recovery and introducing new obligations for businesses. 👤 FOR WHO ? These new rules apply to any business engaging in amicable debt recovery from a “consumer,” defined as any natural person acting for purposes outside their commercial, industrial, […]

⏩ Understanding the usefulness of the Partnership Agreement in just 5 minutes !

Photo représentant deux personnes en affaire qui se sert la main pour valider leurs clause de non concurrence

The business world is constantly evolving, and modern entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to secure and optimize their businesses. A key tool, often underestimated, which has gained popularity in recent years (especially with the “le nouveau Code des Sociétés et associations” (CSA)) is the “partnership agreement” or shareholders agreement. But what exactly is it, […]

How to develop a franchise  ? 

Photo de trois personne dont une signataire d'un contrat de franchise

Explanation of the rules related to commercial partnership You’ve established a business offering products and/or services and you’d like to create your own franchise network for expansion, but you’re unsure how to proceed or where to begin. In this article, we explain what the law provides in this matter and offer legal advice, guiding you […]

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