To Lex4u Digital
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Conditions générales d'utilisation

The general terms of use of your website are not mandatory, but they are certainly very useful ! While browsing certain websites, you may have already come across the acronym «TOS ». But what do these three letters mean ? Are they mandatory ? And why are they important ? Adopting TOS is not a […]


Poste de travail, ordinateur ouvert sur le site de LEX4U

“Is my website in legal compliance ?” This is a question we are often asked. And rightly so ! Are you embarking on the creation of a website but don’t know if it’s legally compliant? Are you wondering what documents should be made available to your users ? Are you wondering which legal notices should […]

⚠️ GDPR and commercial prospecting: data purchase, yes but be careful !

Téléphone sur un bureau - Démarchage téléphonique

In a deliberation dated January 31, 2024, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (in short CNILthe French data protection authority (the equivalent of the Autorité de Protection des Données here in Belgium) provides some very useful reminders in the context of thedata acquisition with brokers and, more generally, on the commercial prospecting and […]

🛡Raising awareness of cyber security: an imperative for SME directors

Image représentant des empreintes digital, des personnes virtuel représentant un registre virtuel de traitement des données

Cyber security is no longer just a matter for large companies. In the digital age, even SMEs are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Why should an SME director care? And how can we protect ourselves against these threats? – The reality of threats – Cyber attacks can have serious consequences for a business, ranging from the […]

GDPR and cancellation of a website design contract

Représentation d'une personne naviguant sur internet avec son ordinateur portable et son téléphone

On January 12, 2023, the Grenoble Court of Appeal annulled a website creation contract on grounds relating to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR“). As a reminder, this regulation brings greater transparency and control over your personal data. Indeed, it imposes numerous obligations on those responsible for processing your data, including providing certain information or […]

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Nous traiterons vos données conformément à notre politique de confidentialité que vous pouvez consulter ici.