13 November 2020

White paper: contract management

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Associate lawyer

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Automating contract management in companies: the added value and methodology of automated contract management.

Have you ever wondered how to make your contract management process more efficient within your organisation ?

Contract management has become a major and essential business issue, for a number of reasons that make it a guaranteed added value for the company that benefits from it.

Simplifying the management of legal documents, speeding up the analysis of information contained in contracts, improving the monitoring of deadlines, controlling risks and costs, and finally ensuring the company’s digital transition are the main areas for improvement proposed by contract management systems.

An effective contract management methodology is essential to help your business get the most out of its contracts and reduce the risks inherent in any activity. To determine return on investment, areas for improvement and whether your objectives are being met, you need a plan to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of your contract management processes against a number of indicators.

Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), you’ll be able to identify improvements, changes and targets for each contract. There is a wide range of KPIs, which can vary according to business sector, and which have been developed to meet the contract management needs of companies.

In other words, by identifying several categories of key performance indicators, you can effectively improve your return on investment and better measure whether you have achieved your objectives for a given contract.


Download the White Paper

In our White Paper on contract management, we present the benefits that a company can gain from a contract management and automation system, as well as the methodology to be followed (KPIs) for implementing consistent and effective contract management within the company.

You can download our White Paper here.

Click here for the English version

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