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Internet referencing and trademark law: some legal aspects

Photo d'une personne naviguant sur Google

1. Referencing categories Nowadays, Internet referencing is a major issue for companies, particularly by virtue of the visibility it confers on a website. There are two categories of Search Engine Optimization on the Internet: “natural” SEO and “paid” SEO. Paid referencing involves the purchase of keywords which, if they match the query sent to a […]

White paper: contract management

Affiche ayant un en-tête : "Contract Management White Paper" avec une tablette juste au-dessous avec écrit : 'L'automatisation de la gestion des contrats en entreprise"

Automating contract management in companies: the added value and methodology of automated contract management. Have you ever wondered how to make your contract management process more efficient within your organisation ? Contract management has become a major and essential business issue, for a number of reasons that make it a guaranteed added value for the […]

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